Emily creates the most breath-taking sculptures and stocks them through our website. She has been a massive supporter for us here at Kateri and we are so appreciative of her. We were so blessed to have Emily travel down to our very first photoshoot and be apart of it. We are so excited for you to see what she has coming soon to our website.. Stay tuned!
Read below to find out about all things Emily x

So Emily, tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Emily, I’m an artist and sculptor. I’m originally from Adelaide, now based in Melbourne. My interests and hobbies stretch far and wide - I am always wanting to try new things which I was convinced was a flaw for some time, however I’ve now leaned into it. I enjoy reading, drawing, gardening, walking, I prefer being in nature often as a self-regulatory exercise and more recently - I’m interested in people, and how we all move in the world. I have always been a person who thinks a lot, but I’m learning to use that to my advantage and not feel shame around it as I once did.
Tell us why ceramics are so special to you? How did you come about creating ceramics?
I came about ceramics last minute, joining a class in my neighbourhood after becoming curious about wheel throwing but being too nervous to go. So I leapt, booked a spot and fell in love with it. I was previously familiar with precision and firm intention in creating art coming from a background in drawing, and I felt challenged by the difference in constitution required for working with clay. I don’t think I can quite articulate yet why it’s so special to me, I imagine I will one day. I’m enjoying not understanding it in its entirety and that makes me excited for where it’ll take me.

How long have you been creating ceramics?
It’s been just over two years since I began. I started to take sculpting a little more seriously when I bought a book titled 'Modern Sculpture' from a second-hand bookstore which really jolted my interest in ceramic sculpture and caused a deviation from wheel-thrown ceramics.
Where do you get most of your inspiration from?
JB Blunk is a tremendous artist and incredible inspiration to me through the varying avenues of his multidisciplinary practice, and just the way he walked his life. I find and read books about sculptors/artists who inspire me across varying mediums as well. I’m inspired by poetry and music, being swept up in a feeling, textures, colours, scents, memory.
What is the process like to create one of your sculptures? How long does it take and what does it entail?
I’ve learned that when I let go completely, that is when I’m most proud of what I create. The sculptures usually take as long as they need to, that can be an entire day to two days depending on the structure, they’re each hand-built with rolled coils. I fail often, but it keeps me coming back.

What are your creative goals for the future of your ceramics?
I’d be interested in creating a body of work to exhibit, but I rarely set my trajectory far, I prefer being grounded in where I’m at, and moving from there.
What are your current wardrobe must-haves?
I’m a real sucker for a good pair of jeans, my favourites are by a brand called Imogene + Willie over in the US. They’re the best denim I’ve ever owned and they have a beautiful philosophy in tow.